Digital Marketing - Techsmart Solutions
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Digital Marketing

A free and open source suite of software products that enables publishers to implement header bidding on websites and mobile apps.

Header bidding allows publishers to earn the highest possible RPM from all competing ad bids. Ad networks bid in real-time within the header of the page before the ad server auction. For this to work, an unbiased ad auction environment must be implemented where no bids are favored by any vendors so that publishers can maximize RPMs.

Compared to a traditional waterfall setup, this makes maximizing your ad revenues automatic, more attainable, and efficient. Over the past few years, MonetizeMore has been increasing and maximizing publisher ad revenues via this programmatic system with much success. We’ve added a video below, which gives you a short introduction to header bidding.

The Prebid product suite offers publishers multiple benefits designed to foster a better header bidding experience, including:
1:A free and open source set of solutions, enabling anyone to contribute or review code.
2:The largest repository of working header bidding adapters.
3:Asynchronous and single time-out to provide a better user experience.
4:Prebid Server, to run faster auctions with more partners.
5:Modules, tools, and analytics support to optimize publisher setup.
6:Multiple options on formats (display, video, native) and channels (mobile, web).
7:A well established and helpful community that can advise on best practices and, if needed, provide professional setup and services.


Digital Marketing, Web


September 8, 2022